Review Plus-Plus lion tube

I bought the Plus-Plus lion tube recently after a visit at the zoo in Copenhagen. What I really wanted was some beige Plus-Plus colors and this seems to be the best way to get them.

Plus-Plus colors in the lion tube

  • 51 beige
  • 38 brown
  • 8 white
  • 2 tan
  • 2 black

101 blocks in total. It’s bit interesting that the tube says 100 pieces when there are actually 101. It was the same with the mermaid tube I reviewed. Can’t really complain about getting ekstra Plus-Plus blocks.

Lion build

This was a blast to build. It uses all pieces, so no leftovers and I don’t feel there are any unnecessary blocks.

The build looks like a lion and is not super fragile, which is always a plus! The colors works and I personally wouldn’t change them.


This is my favorite Plus-Plus tube reviewed, so far based on the build itself. The set doesn’t have a lot of colors, so if that is what you are going for then maybe this isn’t the best tube for you.

If you already have the basic colors then the beige is a really nice addition to your builds. I already made my first video using this color.

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